Strategic, Service, Experience Designer


This is a web platform that helps hotel concierge to make a travel guide and itinerary for their customers. The goal of the project is create a design concept which is ready to be developed by software developers.


    Product Owner
    Product Manager
    Frontend Developer


UX/UI Designer

I've taken initiative in co-design workshops, wireframing, prototyping, and concept testing.


With an initial feedback from potential customers, we started from brainstorming to determine the features and workflow for MVP. Main user problems was the difficulty to propose more personalised travel itinerary.

After that, we draw a sketch to visualise main features such as interactive map and ready-to-print guide creation.


With the principle of design that is learnability and usability, we iterated the wireframe design by conducting usability testing with team members. It helped us to set detailed interactions and sequences efficiently.

After that, we focused on having a good balance of 'informative' and 'intuitive' on the map and guide.


Base on the several design reviews, we made a design prototype with Sketch and Marvel.

To get constructive feedback, we made a short animation to explain the workflow and interaction. The overal feedback was positive, for example, easiness to achieve the objects and good interactivity of the map.

As a result, the visualisation of detailed interaction helped the developers to accelerate the speed of implementation and the product manager to refine the product vision and mission.