Strategic, Service, Experience Designer


Stylush is a startup project for developing AR-based application for environment conscious people.

It would help customers to try on several clothes in a virtual fitting room and fashion retailers to reduce the returned clothes and a negative impact on the global environment.


    Matin Moieny Asl - Business Lead


Tech Lead

I've taken initiative in concept development, AR application development/test,and AR trend research.


We conducted an observation in the fashion retail shops to understand the customer's purchasing behaviour. Also, we conducted a survey to investigate their purchasing pattern in online shopping.

After that, we found that there is a long waiting time for using fitting room and more people tend to purchase clothes online.


While determining the platform of the application and user flow, we made wireframe of key user interfaces e.g. dashboard, styling, history, etc.

And we created 3D clothed models with MakeHuman and Blender.


We developed image-target AR application with Unity and Vuforia.

And then we tested the interaction between user and target image. We presented it to the prospective customer and got a positive impression on the prototype.


Implementing AR into fashion retailing is valiable for not only increasing the sales revenue to address environment conscious customers but also reducing the returned clothes with intangible visualisation.

Next step is to bring AR application to the fashion industry in a way that fashion retailers try the solution for their business growth and customer acquisition.

"Trying on Many Clothes Without Wearing and Saving Environment With AR"